Howl-A-Day Pet Resort
 Call us: 989-832-2595
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Pet Sitting 
Our bonded and insured staff now offer pet sitting in your home!  Does your pet have health issues that make boarding them difficult?  Have a long day at work and you just can't get home for your pet?  ... Or maybe you just can't find room for boarding over a holiday weekend.  Let our knowledgable and caring staff come to you!

Howl-A-Day Pet Resort Home Sitting is scheduled on a first-come-first-served basis.  Before home service can be scheduled, a one time intake visit must be scheduled in your home to familiarize ourselves with your home and pet's needs.  A method of payment must be provided prior to the scheduled visits.  

$ Varies 
Pet Sitting and Transport
Howl-A-Day Home Services       989-948-HOWL (9145)
Need to get your pet to the vet but have an important meeting?  Made a groom appointment and don't have reliable transportation?  We can help!

$20 per round trip      (Up to 5 miles from Howl-A-Day)

$30 per round trip      (6-10 miles)

$40 per round trip      (11-15 miles)

16 or more miles add $1 additional per mile.  
* Charges for mileage determined by Google Maps.  Additional wait times for return trips can be negotiated, else return trip is on an "as soon as available" basis.  Transport is for pet only.  Service is not licensed to transport people. 

Driver carries no cash.  All service fees must be paid in advance via check or a credit card number may be telephoned to the kennel.