Howl-A-Day Pet Resort
 Call us: 989-832-2595
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Directions and Hours

Howl-A-Day Pet Resort
1101 E. Prairie Road
Midland, MI

989-832-2595 Phone
989-832-8553 Fax

Business Hours
Monday- Friday 9am-6pm
Saturday 9am-Noon
Sunday 4pm-6pm

Closed to the public on Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year's Days.  

Driving Directions from Midland

Take M-20 West out of Midland (heading towards Mt. Pleasant).  Four miles outside of Midland is a stoplight at Homer Road.  Turn left on Homer Road and drive 1.5 miles to Prairie Road.  Turn left on Prairie Road and we are approximately 1/8 mile on the left (second drive on the left).